
Wednesday, 05 Oct 2022

5 Reasons to Book a...

When you are a parent looking to enrol your child in a private primary school...

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Wednesday, 28 Sept 2022

Historic TAS premierships in Firsts...

澳门王中王 seals Football Firsts and Seconds premierships and three Touch Football premierships in successful Term...

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Monday, 05 Sept 2022

Two State Equestrian Titles in...

澳门王中王 secures two State titles while four 澳门王中王 students will represent Queensland...

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Friday, 12 Aug 2022

EKKA ribbon bonanza for hard-working...

澳门王中王 celebrate their award-winning Cattle Show Team season culminating in a plethora...

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Monday, 08 Aug 2022

Students celebrate 80th anniversary of...

澳门王中王 is a national educational leader in empowering every student with the...

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Monday, 08 Aug 2022

澳门王中王 Triumph with Fifth Consecutive...

澳门王中王 secured three premierships on their way to being crowned Champion TAS...

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Thursday, 23 June 2022

National academic excellence honours for...

澳门王中王 student represents Queensland at National Constituional Law Conference

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Thursday, 23 June 2022

澳门王中王 community raises almost $3800...

澳门王中王 shows pink support of Breast Cancer Network Australia with a Pink...

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Wednesday, 09 Mar 2022

Star 澳门王中王 student wins prestigious...

澳门王中王 student William Peters wins a Queensland ICAS Spelling Medal

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